Welcome to my web site.. Thanks for checking in on me. And don't forget to sign
My Guestbook!
On May 28, 2004 I became a Big Sister!! My baby sister, Kotomi was born at 1:45pm. Make sure you go look at her pictures.
On September 27, 2007 I became a Big Sister again!! My baby brother, Kiyoshi was born. Make sure you check back later for pictures of Kiyoshi.
My mommy and daddy tell me they will try keep the pages updated as often as they can... if I leave them enough time!!
Here are a couple of pictures from my 2nd birthday.
Also, there is a new video clip on the video page.
I've had a rather unusual babyhood. Now that I'm a mature baby, there will a lots of new stories to tell as I
explore my world at home with my mommy and daddy. In case you missed any parts of my preemie life or my homecoming, the whole story of my
Newborn Intensive Care Unit Journey is still available.
Otherwise, you can see what I've been up to at home...